Jen Pryessi

  • Digital Artist
  • Painting
  • Green Bay

Jen Pryessi

  • Digital Artist
  • Painting
  • Green Bay
Website: www.instagram.comsilentarchitect


I am an artist from Green Bay. I have always loved art and done creative projects throughout my life. When I was about 20 I began more aggressively working on crafts and then drawing. I didn’t do much painting until 2019, I was instantly hooked! I am excited to see the progress I have made in such a short time and look forward to more growth. Being an artist is such a journey between what you learn and create as well as the people you meet along the way. I mostly work with acrylic paint and I tend to repurpose my canvases. I like to experiment with different colors and techniques. When I paint, I tend to just let things flow. It almost feels like I am in a meditative state. I take one section at a time and await the final result! Please follow me on my journey and see how far I have come as well as where I go! You can find my work on Instagram @Silentarchitect