Christine Van Sickle
- Painting
- Two Rivers
Artist Bio
My creative journey started back in high school. I’ve always loved the creative process, and later in life it became a much needed escape from the daily stresses of life. I learned that art really is therapeutic and while this still holds true, it is now something that I truly enjoy and making beautiful things just makes me happy.
Most of my pieces are nature inspired with a twist of imagination. My hope is that each piece I create will also bring a smile and a sense of wonder to others who have the opportunity to encounter my imagination at its best!
I dabble in ink drawings, watercolor and a few other mediums, but I work mainly in acrylic, wet on wet and airbrush are 2 of my favorite techniques to use in my paintings. I have learned so much from watching and listening to other artists online and hope that I can contribute to another’s success or at least encourage them to pick up a brush and try it for themselves!
Now in 2020.
I recently relocated to Two Rivers, WI, so have attached a picture of my new studio, showing a good portion of my surreal collection. The WIP on the easel will probably be called “into the blue.” Within the portal I am planning an underwater scene.