Artigras Rules of Entry

Rules of Entry

Artigras 2024 Artist Information

Media: All fine arts and crafts.

Eligibility: Participation is open to all artists and craftspersons, 18 years of age or older, who exhibit work of original concept, design and execution.

Artist’s Participation: The artist responsible for creating the work on display in the booth must be in attendance during the show.

Reproductions: No more than one-fourth of any exhibitor’s display may consist of commercial reproductions of the exhibitor’s original work.

Prints: Only signed and numbered prints pulled directly from the original plate may be shown. Digital art must be printed on archival quality materials, signed and numbered, in limited editions. Photographs must be signed, numbered and developed by artist or by a person strictly supervised by the artist.

Display: All work displayed must be for sale. The exhibitor’s name and booth number sign must be clearly visible at all times during the show.

Entry: Please complete the description section of the entry. Additional information such as brochures and written materials will not be considered by the jurors.

Multiple Medias: You must submit a separate entry, set of images, and jury fee for each category you wish to display. You may only exhibit work in those categories for which you are accepted. For example, if you apply in painting and ceramics, but are accepted only in painting, you may not show ceramics at your booth.

Commission: None. Each exhibitor is responsible for selling his/her own art work. Brown County sales tax is 5.5%.

Awards: At least $2,000 in cash awards will be presented. Awards will be selected and announced on Saturday afternoon.

Exhibitor Fee: Jury fee, $25.00, separate check. Fee is deposited after the jurying has been completed, returned if applicant is not selected to exhibit. Booth fee is $250.00 and is nonrefundable.

Jury Processing Fee: $25, separate check (non-refundable). Artigras and Artstreet AWARD WINNERS from previous three years are exempt from the jury fee.

Booth Space: Each exhibitor booth space will be a 10’ x 10’ space. For double booth spaces, please call for availability. Canopies are not required. This is an indoor show. Subletting or transferring of exhibit space is strictly prohibited. Layout will be determined closer to the show date.

Electricity: Electricity is available at a cost for the duration of the show. This $100 fee is the direct cost charged by the facility. If you wish to have electricity, please include the $100 fee with your exhibitor fee.

Mosaic Responsibilities: Mosaic will provide an exhibit area for each participant and security during the day and overnight. Morning coffee will be offered both days. Mosaic will be responsible for all promotion, publicity and advertising. Mosaic will provide volunteer booth sitters.

Exhibitor’s Responsibilities: All props and exhibition materials to be supplied by artist. Work must be shown during all Art Fair hours Saturday from 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm. Each exhibitor displays and sells all work at his/her own risk. Mosaic is not responsible for damage, theft or loss of an individual’s work.

Jury Selection Process: Artwork will be evaluated on the criteria of skill, originality, quality, and design. The jurors will not see applicant’s name nor other identification. There is no predetermination of the number of exhibitors to be selected in any one medium. The jurors will view the four images simultaneously, side by side, and by medium. The jurors grade the work from 1 to 10, with 10 being high.

Application Check List:

  • Complete, sign, and mail application from the Complete Entry section (option 2).
  • Check selection jury fee required, non-refundable; separate check, please.
  • Exhibitor fee, returned if applicant is not selected to exhibit; separate check, please.
  • Additional fee if electricity is requested, may be included in space fee.
  • Four (4) images of current work (see image requirements below).
  • Mail application materials in #10 business size envelope.
  • Postmarked three weeks prior to the event.

Image Requirements

  1. Dimensions: 1920 x 1920 pixels
  2. vFile Format: Baseline Standard JPE
  3. File Size: under 2.0 MB
  4. Color Space: RGB

Our image requirements follow the suggestions of the NAIA (National Association of Independent Artists).